So, which hospital performance metrics to analyze? Let’s know.
1. Length of Stay
Length of the stay is the time between a patient is admitted and discharged from the hospital. It is usually tracked for a month or quarterly. The longer the length of the patient stay, the poor quality of the treatment. That means if patients have short stay, they are being given better services and care.
2. Readmission Rates
The number of patients admitted to the same or another hospital within 30 days of being discharged show readmission rate. With this metric, the quality of treatment and care is measured. When patients are admitted early after their discharge from one hospital, which means the hospital could not provide them with better treatment and quality care.
3. Mortality Rates
Mortality rate is the number of patients died before being discharged from a hospital. The hospitals where mortality rate is higher, they are unable to treat diseases and offer reliable treatment to the patients. This is a very powerful metric to evaluate performance of any private or public sector hospital.
4. Number of Incidents
Number of incidents refer to patient cases that were mismanaged due to wrong medication, bad procedures of hospitals and even deaths. This is obvious that the hospitals where such incidents are more, they are not offering the best services. In other words, such hospitals need to improve their care and treatment.
5. Average Cost Per Discharge
Apart from what we discussed above, the costs per discharge can also assess the hospital performance. When a hospital is spending more on per discharge, they are not making much money. The revenues are low. They may also be mismanaging the cost because it is increasing.
6. Patient Satisfaction

Patient satisfaction is another factor that tells a lot about the hospital performance. When patients are satisfied, they revisit the hospitals. Client retention is better in case of better patient satisfaction according to RIS premier radiology. The more patients are satisfied; the better services a hospital is providing in healthcare.
7. Days of Cash on Hand
Cash in hand is also used as a metric to judge the hospital performance. The hospitals with more days of cash on hand have been more successful and managed to get more customers. That is why they earned more and have more cash in advance.
8. Number of Educational Programs
Some experts also include the number of educational programs a hospital introduces when it comes to hospital performance. It is also calculated how many programs were started and out of those how many have been successfully completed.

9. Medication Errors
There are some medication errors in hospitals, but they are not too often. Rate of such errors also shows the performance. If your hospital has fewer or none of such medication error cases, it is doing exceptionally well, especially if your hospital using DICOM viewer online technologies to accelerate the service pace. Hospitals with more medication errors have poor performance.
10. Patient Wait Time
Patient wait time can show the good as well as the bad side of the hospitals. When there are more patients, they have to wait in lines. When the doctors arrive late and become habitual, patients still have to wait and it tells the poor state of performance.